NBK CODE OF CONDUCT Know it & Live it * I hereby declare that I have read, understand, and am committed to The NBK Code of Conduct. Name* Staff Number* Role* Company* Department* Q1. Who does The Code apply to? Only NBK Employees Only NBK Contractors Everyone, employed or contracted by NBK in any capacity Q2. If I need to raise a Code of Conduct or Business Ethics issue, who can I contact for support? Contact HR for guidance on the process Contact Legal Department for guidance on the process Send an email to ethics@nbks.com for guidance on the process All the above Q3. You attend a wedding of a friend and whilst there another guest asks you where you work, you tell him NBK. He explains he lives near a colleague of yours and had noted he has a new car. Asking you to confirm if he had recently received a promotion at work. What do you do? Confirm that he did indeed receive a promotion and that you also noted his new car was very nice. Confirm you also noted the new car but that you think he received a significant bonus as opposed to a promotion and that the division he works in has had a strong year for sales. Do not comment and politely explain you are not familiar with the personal details of co-workers. Q4. Following a recent service, a customer reported that the tire pressure light was left on in the dashboard. The Manager of the department is required to address the issue. One of the first actions taken is to speak directly with a technician who he thinks is responsible because he had a similar issue with him a few months back. Given that the customer was very upset The Manager decided it was appropriate to call the Technician shout at him to ensure he is fully aware of the fact that his work was not acceptable. Do you think this was the correct action and behavior? The action was not acceptable because it involved The Manager jumping to the conclusion that the same person was responsible before a review of the facts had taken place. The behavior was acceptable because the Customer was so upset and shouted at the Manager therefore, the Manager felt it was necessary to do the same to staff. Action nor behavior were acceptable. A Leader is expected to be sure of all the facts and be able to provide evidence that the issue was properly reviewed. Including a review of the SOP’s and associated failures, being able to trace all those involved, with evidence to support their understanding of what occurred. Under no circumstances are Leaders or Colleagues permitted to shout at others as this is a clear violation of The Code. Q5. You have been approached by a local business owner who provides security services to many firms around the state of Qatar. He has mentioned he has tendered for contracts at NBK but never been successful. He has offered you and your family an all-expenses weekend to Banana Island. What do you do? Decline the offer and report the matter to your Line Manager & hr@nbks.com Explain you cannot influence the tender process but accept the offer as your family has always looked forward to the opportunity to visit Banana Island. Accept the offer and thank him for his generosity Q6. Your department has just won a high value tender. To deliver phase 1 in time you need to start work now, however certain permits are not in place. It has been suggested by an x-colleague in your network that an unofficial payment to a specific person might speed up the process. What do you do? Nothing, unofficial payments of this nature are illegal, unethical, improper and are a violation of The Code. Ask the person in your network to provide you with the details to discuss with higher management. Leave it for a further two weeks then explore this option if things are still not moving Q7. Each day at work you pass a dangerous hazard, whereby a piece of debris is coming away from the stairwell. What do you do? Report the matter to facilities immediately with a view to protecting the safety of yourself and your colleagues. Nothing – it doesn’t look like it will fall anytime soon Tell your Line Manager Q8. It has come to your attention that a team member in your department is smoking in the fire exit. What do you do? Tell HR but do not confront the employee Nothing – I also sometimes smoke in the stairwell Anyone smoking on work premises are endangering the health and safety of both themselves and his colleagues as a result of passive smoking and potential fire risk. You should speak to them privately and explain that this is against The Code; therefore, completely unacceptable. Then seek further support from HR to manage as per the disciplinary process. Q9. A community amateur athletics team have approached you because they are seeking support to buy the children’s team jerseys from local reputable sponsors who want to support local community activities. What do you do? Tell them no - we do not do that at NBK Tell them yes for sure – I can speak to someone in Management to fix it for you NBK take pride in supporting community activities. Therefore, ask the team management to put their request in writing with the supporting documentation and email this to hr@nbks.com for consideration. Thank them for considering us as an appropriate sponsor. The Marketing department will ensure that the request is considered carefully and, in all cases, successful or otherwise, the request will be responded to in an appropriate time frame, no later than 2 weeks. Q.10 People and businesses alike are becoming much more conscious of the energy they consume and/or the waste they dispose. NBK care about our communities and the planet. We advocate that we should all do what we can within our gift to control. You notice each evening that the lights in some offices have been left on consistently. What do you do? Find out who sits in those offices and bring this to their attention Report this to the Facilities Manager for advice and guidance All the above