Training Manual old


The Code consist of 8 sections :

  1. My Profile
  2. Creating & maintaining My Goals
  3. Requesting Time Off
  4. Manager Approve Time-off Requests
  5. Checking Feasibility of Time-off Request
  6. Viewing Time Account Balances
  7. Viewing Time of Request Status
  8. Setting Cascading Goals to Employees As a Manager

Please take your time and read through them all, the policies and rules are key to working effectively and professionally in NBK

1. My Profile

Table of content

To learn more about your profile follow this tutorial.

1.2 In Home Screen Click on My Profile

1.3 Navigate your Personal information

1.4 Navigate your Compensation info

1.5 Navigate your Compensation info

1.6 Navigate your Job information and Grade

2. Creating & maintaining My Goals

Table of content

2.1 Maintain Objectives Cascaded

An Employee Can Maintain The Objectives Cascaded From Their Manager And Create, Edit, Or Delete Their Own Objectives. To Learn More About How An Employee Creates And Maintains Their Objective.

Protection now and in the future! Protect the legacy on which we were built, the current organization and the people in it and the potential of what the future will bring.

2.2 To Access The Goal Plan, Select Home > Objectives

2.3 To Select An Objective Plan, Open The List.)

2.4 Select Objective Plan

Protection through Confidentiality! Working inside an organization often means we have access to privileged confidential information – it is important to protect the best interest of the Company, be professional and act responsibly.

2.5 The Goal Cascaded By The Manager Is Shown In The Objective Plan.

2.6 To Create A Goal For Yourself, Choose Add Objective

2.7 Select Create A New Objective.

2.8 The Library Objective Option Provides You With A List Of Predefined Objectives And Metrics That You Can Choose To Add To Your Objective Plan.Choose Library Objective

2.9 Each Heading Expands To Offer A List Of Objectives For That Area. For This Tutorial, Choose Customer Service.

2.10 Select Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty.

2.11 Review The List Of Goals And Select The Checkbox Next To Each Objective To Add To Your Plan.
For This Tutorial, Select The Checkbox For The Second Option

2.12 Choose Add Selected.

2.13 Categories Are Used To Create A Scorecard Approach

To Objective Planning, Objective Names Define What You Are Trying To Achieve, And Metrics Define How You Measure Achievement Of That Objective.

2.14 Weight Defines The Importance Of The Objective And Is Used As Part Of The Performance Rating Calculation. For This Tutorial, In The Weight Field, Enter 50 And Choose Save Changes.

2.15 The Total Weight Assigned To Both Active Objectives Weigh To 99%, With Each Objective Assigned 50% & 40% Of The Overall Importance.

2.16 If Required, Choose Edit To Update The Objective.

This Will Not Be Necessary In This Tutorial.

2.17 Choose Action

2.18 From The Action Menu, You Can Edit, View, Or Delete An Objective.

In This Tutorial, We Will Not Make Any Changes To The Objective.
To Close The Menu, Choose Action

2.19 To Return To The Homepage, Select Objectives > Home.

You Have Successfully Created And Maintained Your Objective. This Concludes The Interactive Tutorial

3. Requesting Time Off


To learn more about how an employee requests time off, follow this interactive tutorial.

3.2 Open the Modules list.

3.3 Select Request Time Off Tile.

3.4 ChooseTime Type (Leave Type) then select the dates and choose Submit.

For Sick Leave please upload the sick leave certificate attachment
For Staff who require exit permit please choose exit
>Choose Time Type (Leave Type) then select the dates and choose Submit.

For Sick Leave please upload the sick leave certificate attachment

For Staff who require exit permit please choose exit permit yes require

3.5 The time-off request is initiated and is pending for approval by the line manager of the employee.

3.6 To return to the home screen, choose NBK Logo

3.7 You have successfully requested time off.

4. Manager Approve Time-off Requests

4.1 To learn more about how a line manager processes a time-off request, follow this interactive tutorial.