Know it & live it

Welcome Note

Dear Colleagues

Welcome to the NBK Code of Conduct. This document is the most important document issued by the Company as it stipulates the fundamental ethical principles and standards expected from everyone in NBK.

Our organization has a long history of commercial success and strong market presence.  Together, we will continue to grow our best-in-class organization and working environment where commercial accomplishment and professional growth go hand in hand.

As the custodians of NBK’s reputation, it is our privilege and duty to ensure that we protect the Company by upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct in everything we do, by both knowing and living the Code of Conduct.

Thank you for your valued support


Hani Abdo

Chief Executive Officer


The Code consist of 5 important sections:

Please take your time and read through them all, the policies and rules are key to working effectively and professionally in NBK

Aim of each section


Be aware that the code exists, the standards outlined are absolute expectations and not negotiable.  This section also tell you how to make a complaint or seek further advice and guidance if you have a concern.


Protect what is ours, the legacy on which we were built, the current organization and the people in it and the potential of what the future will bring.


Take accountability for your actions and decisions. Be accountable for ensuring that NBK are known for integrity and professionalism in the market, standards matched only to the quality of our products and services

Dealing Fairly

Thrive in a competitive, fair and ethical environment, be competitive! Competing fairly improves market conditions and protects NBK’s competitive edge and our reputation


Honor the communities we serve through support and endorsement of community events, activities and charitable causes that enrich the lives of everyone. The NBK Community is derived from everyone on our team, we encourage everyone to make a valuable and positive contribution to the communities we serve and the State of Qatar

What's Next ?

  • Click on the link and carefully read each section
  • At the end, you will find an acknowledgement tick box. By ticking this you are acknowledging that you have read, understand and consent that you are fully committed to the NBK Code of Conduct, and the policies outlined in it.
  • For fun, there is a questionnaire at the end – you can test yourself on how well you understood The Code.

For further guidance or support reach out to hr@nbks.com

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